Vickie Gough



Courses Taught:

Entrepreneurship, Digital Workplace Applications (DWA), Administrative Support Technology

V. Gough


Welcome!  My name is Vickie Gough, and I have been teaching for over 34 years (28 years at JHS).  I am thankful for all the memories I have of so many students and their families.  I hope that I have made a positive impact on their lives.  I've always tried to keep in mind something I heard someone say years ago when I first came to Johnsonville--"We don't teach subjects, we teach people."  My hope and prayer is that I have made every student feel welcomed, important, and inspired.

I am also thankful for my wonderful family--Dennis (my husband), Josh Roberts (my son), and Hannah Roberts (my daughter)--who have all made my life happy and complete! I enjoy spending time with them, attending church, playing the piano, and teaching Sunday School!!
